Woodland Stay and Play Sessions
Join Tree Folk Forest School in the Small Wood for Stay and Play sessions designed for children 2 to 5 years and their carers, following the Forest School ethos.
These sessions aim to provide time and space for parents and children to step back from their busy lives, to interact and reflect with the world at nature’s pace – slow and steady.
Each session is loosely planned linked to an interest, event or book. We start off each session with a story or game followed by lots of time to explore and play. We will be making mud pies & nature crafts, swinging in the hammock, balancing on logs, splashing in the puddles exploring the woodland and the creatures that live there. Children are encouraged to follow their own lead and do whatever makes them happy. A snack is provided for ‘The Twiglets’ and sometimes we have a fire to cook our snack over.
Sessions take place on a Monday and Wednesday morning 10.00am -11.30am, whatever the weather! Please all dress appropriately for the Cornish weather.
Each session costs £8 and is booked for a block term (usually 6 weeks long).
If you are interested in taking part in the sessions and meeting new friends, please email Sue at treefolkforestschool@gmail.com